Difference between revisions of "Fenspace Gazetteer"

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m (1 revision)
m (added link to City Stats page)
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* [[Character Stats]] - templates, PC stats and more.
* [[Character Stats]] - templates, PC stats and more.
* [[Vehicle Stats]] - ships from the Registry in game terms.
* [[Vehicle Stats]] - ships from the Registry in game terms.
* [[City Stats]] - what it says on the label
* [[Gizmos]] - common everyday handwavium objects.
* [[Gizmos]] - common everyday handwavium objects.
* [[Adventures]] - “you all meet in a dive bar on the Moon…”
* [[Adventures]] - “you all meet in a dive bar on the Moon…”

Revision as of 00:24, 3 June 2010

The Gazetteer started as a thread on the Fenspace discussion forum where contributors would stick various articles that weren't either ship designs or character profiles. Since then, the Gazetteer expanded to become the huge, topic-swallowing monster that runs FenWiki. How the world changes. --Mal-3

Generic Resources

This is a place for indexing top-level index pages. Kind of meta, sure, but it's useful.

Primary Indexes

Gaming Resources

For the brave, the bold, the RPer who wants to use this thing as part of a campaign. (Note: Stats and whatnot are - initially - GURPS 4th Edition. Your mileage may vary, please add game material for other systems if you feel like it.)