Listening to the birds Part 3
To: A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen), Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
From: Col. Mal Fnord, VVS (23@globalfrequency.fen)
Subject: Re: Listening to the birds...
Date: Sun July 14th 2013
> > Seems a bit extreme for an offsite backup, but I suppose it would be > > possible. I can't guarantee the module's safety and/or stability once > > we've left the system, though. "Secure" for me would be "locked in the > > warden's safe in Azkaban," not "dumped unsecured into an unpatrolled > > solar system." Still, it's your ass. > > Oh, I'm going to do that, too. I just want this data to have a decent > chance of surviving us, and that means at least one off-site storage > location. I'd drop more of these in other systems if I could swing it.
I see. I'd still recommend Azkaban over an outsystem backup, because that chunk of ice will survive the Sun going nova, plus it keeps the module away from randoms who might stumble across it. However, if you're adamant on doing this then I probably can't dissuade you, so what the hell.
> > At the moment we've got plenty of perfectly servicable weapons (not to > > mention a perfectly servicable weapons tech) and we don't have > > anything to mount a reflex cannon on anyway, so that's no big worry. > > As for learning new things, you okay with me skipping the middleman > > and just going straight to the module for the goods? Less hassle that > > way, and it's ~100% likely Sora will end up lending a hand on the > > project anyway when we're on the ground. > > Well, the whole point to sealing the module was to keep the radiation > out, long-term... but I guess Sora can re-seal it once you're there. > (Assuming you're taking a roll of gold foil at least 7mm thick, a tube > of plain-white pre-mixed PolyFilla, and some raw handwavium, that is. > The radiation block doesn't seem to come into existance if you use the > mix-it-yourself PolyFilla.) Or I could give you a second copy of the > data. Either way, knock yourself out.
Radiation shielding's not a big thing, all I need is a couple cubic meters of rock as a vault, and if there's one thing we've got a lot of, it's rock.
> Speaking of perfectly-servicable techs, Sora needs monthly maintenance. > She has her own specs, but I'll give you a copy of them anyway before > you leave.
I wonder how long you've been waiting to unload that pun. In any case, credit me with at least a *little* preplanning please; Sora's already got her situation well in hand.
> > We could probably use the pilots, but I think I'm going to take a > > pass. Galacticans as a breed aren't very AI-friendly and we're up to > > our eyeballs in infomorphs over here (hence the bar fights). > > And I'm not? (Then again, my "angels" look human.)
Tell you what. If Sora ever invites you to come vist Hangar One, take her up on the offer and then get back to me on that one.
> Besides, Serina may > have been with some Colonials, but she seemed to still have the "gosh > wow" attitude of a new Fan as well.
Im'a thinking that just maybe somebody who self-identifies as "Serina" might identify more with the Galacticans than us commie toaster bastards. Just throwing that out. But hey, if you're still hellbent on doing a little pro bono headhunting, throw our HR info in her direction and let the chips fall.
> > Not my kind of party... I'll just sit in the corner with whoever > > decides to come with me. (Probably Yayoi.) > > Just attempting some crowd control. I'll probably join you > congratulating Sora while commiserating Mal and KJ, then we adults > can leave and let the rest of them have their fun. I have access to > the JLA council chamber if you want somewhere quiet with a view for a > couple of hours?
I gotta admit, what's *really* funny is watching the two of you freak out about this when the odds are better than even nothing's going to happen. Look, like any good act of violence it'll happen if it happens. Most likely it won't, which means you'll be carrying all that riot gear for no good reason. And if it *does* happen, it'll be over before you get a chance to use it. So relax and enjoy the sideshow.
From: Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
To: A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen), Col. Mal Fnord, VVS (23@globalfrequency.fen)
Subject: Re: Listening to the birds...
Date: Mon July 15th 2013
> > > > > You going to let that loose then? Well, at least this con will be > > > buzzing. > > > > Yep. Nobody's disrupted a Con this much since the Kaboomite Incident. > > > > (I'm not counting what Suzumiya did with SOS-Con - that was planned, not > > a disruption.) > >It'll probably overshadow some of my own announcements, if I can get >what I'm planning to WORK.
Whatever it is, I'm sure you can manage eventually. You always do.
Is it something I (or Leda) could help you with?
> > Waitaminute... "Thunderhawks"? > >Something Lebia came up with that I'm thinking about offering to >Section 2. She heard about the Virgil Samms whilst we were visiting and >wanted to match it. They're specially waved Honda Firebirds with a >coilgun side-mounted. She managed to get a couple up to 0.185c, but >generally they come out 0.17c. >I'm thinking three types: Civilian (0.17c), Courier (0.18c, easy enough >to do), and Patrol (0.185c). Probably mix and match the coilguns on >them as well.
Ask Commissioner Russell directly - he knows what he needs better than I do. (Oh, yeah - Towne's hired a Commissionner for the Space Patrol. Trekkie combat veteran, name of Kirk Russell. Yes, *that* Kirk Russell. I thought he was dead, too.)
And I'm not sure I'd arm the civilian version... but I'm relatively safe back here in cislunar space, not up on the front lines like you. You're the person on the spot; you know best.
> > > > (There was a group of BGC fen visiting the main concourse at the same > > > > time the Galacticans were there. Promise me I won't have to listen to > > > > any more "Boomer" jokes, please.) > > > > > > *Wince* Isn't that cruel and unusual punishment? > > > > It could have been worse - everybody's favorite Seawolf-class sub was in > > for shore leave the week before. If the arguments were about "Boomer" > > vs. "boomer" vs. "Boomer", they probably would have trashed Meg's even > > worse than the actual brawl did. > >Are you still interested in some Clay Pigeons? I can put a rush order >together. That way if someone tries that again you can have them webbed >to a wall or something.
I'm not sure. Turning the lights out worked well enough to stop the fight (not too many flesh-and-blood people can fight well in the dark), but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a backup, just in case.
> > > I'll be bringing my whip and some Mellow bombs. Consider yourself > > > warned. > > > > Not my kind of party... I'll just sit in the corner with whoever decides > > to come with me. (Probably Yayoi.) > >Just attempting some crowd control. I'll probably join you >congratulating Sora while commiserating Mal and KJ, then we adults can >leave and let the rest of them have their fun. I have access to the JLA >council chamber if you want somewhere quiet with a view for a couple of >hours?
I've seen photos of the JLA council chamber. Maybe we should get Dee to move Mal's commissioning ceremony there? Then we can go someplace a little less opulent for the bash afterwards.
> > Second message... > > > > > > I was offered a copy of this as well Noah, but I pointed them in your > > > direction. I know myself well enough to understand I'd go into it and > > > not come out for months. Hence, I'm working on other stuff so I don't > > > get obsessed when you do release it. > > > > Ah, so it's your fault I have to spend a small fortune on making > > customized copies of this for everyone. Remember that when you don't > > get a card from me next Life Day. > >So noted. > > > (Before you ask - the customized copies will have what each person > > probably can use right away. For example, The Jason won't be getting > > the cybernetics tech right off, while Wave Convoy won't be getting the > > biotech in his first batch.) > >It's better than me getting it and disappearing from the Solar System >until next year before anyone else learned of it. > > > > > Speaking of perfectly-servicable techs, Sora needs monthly maintenance. > > > > She has her own specs, but I'll give you a copy of them anyway before > > > > you leave. > > > > > > That's an awful pun Noah.
I've been making a lot of them lately.
> > > Unfortunately true, but still. Too bad we're > > > so busy, or I'd offer some upgrades to match Kasumi and Lebia > > > (Greenpeace is too biological, and I doubt they want to match Andy). > > > > Thanks, but I'm not sure your upgrades would mesh with the upgrades > > Skuld gave Sora and Yayoi. (Including more Honey than I would have > > thought wise... or possible. They're never going to forget anything > > again unless they want to. Mal, you might want to keep that in mind...) > >Given that I haven't forgotten anything since the Accident, and can't >forget, I think I'm a tad envious.
Some people would kill to have your problem. Then they'd wish they were dead, because of the perfect recall. I don't want that trap, and you have my sympathies.
>Anyway, I was thinking updating the bio-mimetics, adding a self-repair >system, and maybe fixing their eyesight in-between general servicing >and whatever they wanted doing. Not sure what else Skuld would have >offered that wouldn't need extensive re-work and parts.
Yayoi says she likes herself the way she is, glasses and all. I'm not sure about Sora and Kohran; make the offer and see how they react.
(And I thought we installed a self-repair system in each of the angels when we built them. Unless you're talking about self-healing skin...)
> > Yes, the upgrades are included in the module. You sure you don't want a > > copy? > >I'll be a good girl, and wait for my copy.
You won't have to wait for too long - your copy is already burned to a set of ultra-violet-ray discs. So is Mal's. (What's giving me conniptions is trying to figure out what the Professor could use right away...)
> > > > But why am I trying to get you to hire her? If she's any good, I'll > > > > probably hire her myself, for the right-hand seat on the Ad Astra. > > > > > > Because gosh-darn-it you're a nice guy? And it gets you kisses? > > > > But I don't want kisses from Mal... (Kali or 'Lena, maybe, and I'll > > never turn down a kiss from Sora, but I don't want one from Mal.) > >You sure your head's on straight now Noah? You and Mal? Not an image >I'd normally consider.
Nor I, but I have the strangest feeling we have to kiss and make up for something. Damned if I know why... But, yeah, I prefer women.
To: A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen), Col. Mal Fnord, VVS (23@globalfrequency.fen)
From: Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
Subject: Re: Listening to the birds...
Date: Mon July 15th 2013
> > > Seems a bit extreme for an offsite backup, but I suppose it would be > > > possible. I can't guarantee the module's safety and/or stability once > > > we've left the system, though. "Secure" for me would be "locked in the > > > warden's safe in Azkaban," not "dumped unsecured into an unpatrolled > > > solar system." Still, it's your ass. > > > > Oh, I'm going to do that, too. I just want this data to have a decent > > chance of surviving us, and that means at least one off-site storage > > location. I'd drop more of these in other systems if I could swing it. > >I see. I'd still recommend Azkaban over an outsystem backup, because >that chunk of ice will survive the Sun going nova, plus it keeps the >module away from randoms who might stumble across it. However, if >you're adamant on doing this then I probably can't dissuade you, so >what the hell.
Honestly, this stuff's a gold mine - if we apply it properly, it could be as big a social revolution as handwavium was. So I want it backed up in multiple locations.
(If we apply it improperly, it could be as big a social disruption as handwavium was. I'm a bit nervous about that.)
(And if the Boskonians turn it into weaponry... yuck. I'm glad you're taking my little girl out of the line of fire for a few months.)
> > > At the moment we've got plenty of perfectly servicable weapons (not to > > > mention a perfectly servicable weapons tech) and we don't have > > > anything to mount a reflex cannon on anyway, so that's no big worry. > > > As for learning new things, you okay with me skipping the middleman > > > and just going straight to the module for the goods? Less hassle that > > > way, and it's ~100% likely Sora will end up lending a hand on the > > > project anyway when we're on the ground. > > > > Well, the whole point to sealing the module was to keep the radiation > > out, long-term... but I guess Sora can re-seal it once you're there. > > (Assuming you're taking a roll of gold foil at least 7mm thick, a tube > > of plain-white pre-mixed PolyFilla, and some raw handwavium, that is. > > The radiation block doesn't seem to come into existance if you use the > > mix-it-yourself PolyFilla.) Or I could give you a second copy of the > > data. Either way, knock yourself out. > >Radiation shielding's not a big thing, all I need is a couple cubic >meters of rock as a vault, and if there's one thing we've got a lot of, >it's rock.
Oh, yeah - planetary surfaces. I remember living on one of those, years ago...
> > Speaking of perfectly-servicable techs, Sora needs monthly maintenance. > > She has her own specs, but I'll give you a copy of them anyway before > > you leave. > >I wonder how long you've been waiting to unload that pun. In any case, >credit me with at least a *little* preplanning please; Sora's already >got her situation well in hand.
Glad to hear it. But I'm still giving you another copy of Sora's specs, overprotective father that I am. (You don't have to tell her about it, although I suspect she assumes I've already done this...)
> > > We could probably use the pilots, but I think I'm going to take a > > > pass. Galacticans as a breed aren't very AI-friendly and we're up to > > > our eyeballs in infomorphs over here (hence the bar fights). > > > > And I'm not? (Then again, my "angels" look human.) > >Tell you what. If Sora ever invites you to come vist Hangar One, take >her up on the offer and then get back to me on that one.
I'll be sure to bring a camera that your security folks can confiscate... and another, hidden, camera. We'll see how good your secops are.
> > Besides, Serina may > > have been with some Colonials, but she seemed to still have the "gosh > > wow" attitude of a new Fan as well. > >Im'a thinking that just maybe somebody who self-identifies as "Serina" >might identify more with the Galacticans than us commie toaster >bastards. Just throwing that out. But hey, if you're still hellbent on >doing a little pro bono headhunting, throw our HR info in her direction >and let the chips fall.
Hmmmmm... I hadn't considered that. But I'll pass her test scores along next week.
>---- > > > > Not my kind of party... I'll just sit in the corner with whoever > > > decides to come with me. (Probably Yayoi.) > > > > Just attempting some crowd control. I'll probably join you > > congratulating Sora while commiserating Mal and KJ, then we adults > > can leave and let the rest of them have their fun. I have access to > > the JLA council chamber if you want somewhere quiet with a view for a > > couple of hours? > >I gotta admit, what's *really* funny is watching the two of you freak >out about this when the odds are better than even nothing's going to >happen. Look, like any good act of violence it'll happen if it happens. >Most likely it won't, which means you'll be carrying all that riot gear >for no good reason. And if it *does* happen, it'll be over before you >get a chance to use it. So relax and enjoy the sideshow.
So I shouldn't bring along my new H&K MP5K SMG, just in case?
Seriously, I'll probably just bring a couple of pompom grenades that Katz gave me. What's a brawl without cheerleaders, after all?
From: A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen)
To: Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib), Col. Mal Fnord, VVS (23@globalfrequency.fen)
Subject: Re: Listening to the birds...
Date: Mon July 15th 2013
> > > > You going to let that loose then? Well, at least this con will be > > > > buzzing. > > > > > > Yep. Nobody's disrupted a Con this much since the Kaboomite Incident. > > > > > > (I'm not counting what Suzumiya did with SOS-Con - that was planned, not > > > a disruption.) > > > > It'll probably overshadow some of my own announcements, if I can get > > what I'm planning to WORK. > > Whatever it is, I'm sure you can manage eventually. You always do.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
> Is it something I (or Leda) could help you with?
Leda could confirm my results for one of them, if I get them, but that's about it. Thanks.
> > > Waitaminute... "Thunderhawks"? > > > > Something Lebia came up with that I'm thinking about offering to > > Section 2. She heard about the Virgil Samms whilst we were visiting and > > wanted to match it. They're specially waved Honda Firebirds with a > > coilgun side-mounted. She managed to get a couple up to 0.185c, but > > generally they come out 0.17c. > > I'm thinking three types: Civilian (0.17c), Courier (0.18c, easy enough > > to do), and Patrol (0.185c). Probably mix and match the coilguns on > > them as well. > > Ask Commissioner Russell directly - he knows what he needs better than I > do. (Oh, yeah - Towne's hired a Commissionner for the Space Patrol. > Trekkie combat veteran, name of Kirk Russell. Yes, *that* Kirk Russell. > I thought he was dead, too.)
- Piku-piku*
...Damn, who's his tailor? Last I heard he took some serious shrapnel last time out and was looking at needing some serious work done if he survived. Although I did hear about an experiment with TOO MUCH quick-heal about then...
> And I'm not sure I'd arm the civilian version... but I'm relatively safe > back here in cislunar space, not up on the front lines like you. You're > the person on the spot; you know best.
Yeah well, it's better safe than sorry out here in the Belt. Raids are picking up as well, so every little helps you know?
> > > It could have been worse - everybody's favorite Seawolf-class sub was in > > > for shore leave the week before. If the arguments were about "Boomer" > > > vs. "boomer" vs. "Boomer", they probably would have trashed Meg's even > > > worse than the actual brawl did. > > > > Are you still interested in some Clay Pigeons? I can put a rush order > > together. That way if someone tries that again you can have them webbed > > to a wall or something. > > I'm not sure. Turning the lights out worked well enough to stop the > fight (not too many flesh-and-blood people can fight well in the dark), > but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a backup, just in case.
I still like the image I had when Kasumi suggested we offer them for sale. It was just after you kicked the SOS-dan out, so I pictured them stuck to a wall with you laughing manically to the side.
> > Just attempting some crowd control. I'll probably join you > > congratulating Sora while commiserating Mal and KJ, then we adults can > > leave and let the rest of them have their fun. I have access to the JLA > > council chamber if you want somewhere quiet with a view for a couple of > > hours? > > I've seen photos of the JLA council chamber. Maybe we should get Dee to > move Mal's commissioning ceremony there? Then we can go someplace a > little less opulent for the bash afterwards.
If she contacts me I'll get a few hoops removed about hiring it. A few too many for me to escort in otherwise.
<snip >
> > > > Unfortunately true, but still. Too bad we're > > > > so busy, or I'd offer some upgrades to match Kasumi and Lebia > > > > (Greenpeace is too biological, and I doubt they want to match Andy). > > > > > > Thanks, but I'm not sure your upgrades would mesh with the upgrades > > > Skuld gave Sora and Yayoi. (Including more Honey than I would have > > > thought wise... or possible. They're never going to forget anything > > > again unless they want to. Mal, you might want to keep that in mind...) > > > > Given that I haven't forgotten anything since the Accident, and can't > > forget, I think I'm a tad envious. > > Some people would kill to have your problem. Then they'd wish they were > dead, because of the perfect recall. I don't want that trap, and you > have my sympathies.
You're being nicer than normal to me throughout this email. One could think you have an ulterior motive. But thanks anyway. Sometimes... Sometimes, it can be a joy like no other to have the sort of recall I have. Others... Well, let's just say I don't particularly like horror films any more.
Most of the time, its damn annoying. Especially with my reaction times and enhanced senses.
> > Anyway, I was thinking updating the bio-mimetics, adding a self-repair > > system, and maybe fixing their eyesight in-between general servicing > > and whatever they wanted doing. Not sure what else Skuld would have > > offered that wouldn't need extensive re-work and parts. > > Yayoi says she likes herself the way she is, glasses and all. I'm not > sure about Sora and Kohran; make the offer and see how they react.
I was just offering to fix their eyesight so they wouldn't NEED glasses. I'm not suggesting they get RID of them. I must admit I'm curious to see how they'd look without them. They look lovely with them, I'm certain they'd look lovely without them.
> (And I thought we installed a self-repair system in each of the angels > when we built them. Unless you're talking about self-healing skin...)
THIS one will heal skin at about half the rate a normal human would, yes. They'll need the bio-mimetics upgrade for that though. It'll also pretty much eliminate the need for mechanical or electrical maintenance. The girls would only need to do a yoga routine once a week to keep themselves in shape (so to speak), and a twice yearly check up.
> > > Yes, the upgrades are included in the module. You sure you don't want a > > > copy? > > > > I'll be a good girl, and wait for my copy. > > You won't have to wait for too long - your copy is already burned to a > set of ultra-violet-ray discs. So is Mal's. (What's giving me conniptions > is trying to figure out what the Professor could use right away...)
How much theoretical stuff is on there? Throw him some medical tech and some manufacturing tech and some promising theory and he'll probably be happy for a while.
From: A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen)
To: Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib), Col. Mal Fnord, VVS (23@globalfrequency.fen)
Subject: Re: Listening to the birds...
Date: Mon July 15th 2013
> Honestly, this stuff's a gold mine - if we apply it properly, it could > be as big a social revolution as handwavium was. So I want it backed up > in multiple locations. > > (If we apply it improperly, it could be as big a social disruption as > handwavium was. I'm a bit nervous about that.)
So. Same old, same old eh?
> > Radiation shielding's not a big thing, all I need is a couple cubic > > meters of rock as a vault, and if there's one thing we've got a lot of, > > it's rock. > > Oh, yeah - planetary surfaces. I remember living on one of those, years > ago...
Fred's willing to rent out a nice beach house down in Oz if you want.
<snip >
> > ---- > > > > > > Not my kind of party... I'll just sit in the corner with whoever > > > > decides to come with me. (Probably Yayoi.) > > > > > > Just attempting some crowd control. I'll probably join you > > > congratulating Sora while commiserating Mal and KJ, then we adults > > > can leave and let the rest of them have their fun. I have access to > > > the JLA council chamber if you want somewhere quiet with a view for a > > > couple of hours? > > > >I gotta admit, what's *really* funny is watching the two of you freak > > out about this when the odds are better than even nothing's going to > > happen. Look, like any good act of violence it'll happen if it happens. > > Most likely it won't, which means you'll be carrying all that riot gear > > for no good reason. And if it *does* happen, it'll be over before you > > get a chance to use it. So relax and enjoy the sideshow.
Mal, please go back and read what you've written. Then bang your head against a safe, solid surface 10 times for jinxing us.
> Seriously, I'll probably just bring a couple of pompom grenades that > Katz gave me. What's a brawl without cheerleaders, after all?
A brawl *with* cheerleaders is usually called sport.
To: A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen), Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
From: Col. Mal Fnord, VVS (23@globalfrequency.fen)
Subject: Re: Listening to the birds...
Date: Mon July 15th 2013
> > I see. I'd still recommend Azkaban over an outsystem backup, > > because that chunk of ice will survive the Sun going nova, plus it > > keeps the module away from randoms who might stumble across it. > > However, if you're adamant on doing this then I probably can't > > dissuade you, so what the hell. > > Honestly, this stuff's a gold mine - if we apply it properly, it > could be as big a social revolution as handwavium was. So I want it > backed up in multiple locations.
Well, that could be exciting, I suppose.
> (If we apply it improperly, it could be as big a social disruption as > handwavium was. I'm a bit nervous about that.)
Pfft, disruptions always happen. If it's not this, it'll be Greenland sliding into the Atlantic next week or some other damn thing. Buy the ticket, take the ride.
> (And if the Boskonians turn it into weaponry... yuck. I'm glad you're > taking my little girl out of the line of fire for a few months.)
I personally am not worried about weaponry, because frankly if Boskone was better at it than we are, they'd have already won. Let the honorless weaselfuckers come ahead, we'll beat the shit out of them every time.
> > Radiation shielding's not a big thing, all I need is a couple cubic > > meters of rock as a vault, and if there's one thing we've got a > > lot of, it's rock. > > Oh, yeah - planetary surfaces. I remember living on one of those, > years ago...
Not even that, just one chunk of grade-A interplanetary rock about a meter across provides as much radiation shielding as fifty miles of atmosphere. Haven't you ever been to Alpha? They've got the entire city done up like that; s' brilliant use of available resources. Okay, so you don't get the vistas you get with the Dome, but still.
> > > And I'm not? (Then again, my "angels" look human.) > > > > Tell you what. If Sora ever invites you to come vist Hangar One, > > take her up on the offer and then get back to me on that one. > > I'll be sure to bring a camera that your security folks can > confiscate... and another, hidden, camera. We'll see how good your > secops are.
- snrk* You can take as many pictures of the Hole as you want. Take the pictures, sell 'em to the Illuminator, hell put up a Myspace page with them - nobody will ever fucking *believe* you no matter how much photographic evidence you have. "L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace" isn't just a neat thing to say in French, we've adopted it as EXFOR OPSEC protocol and raised it to a fucking *art form*.
Of course, audacity only goes so far; if you were to try and *start* something, well... GLaDOS is always looking for new lab rats. Hope you like cake.
> > I gotta admit, what's *really* funny is watching the two of you > > freak out about this when the odds are better than even nothing's > > going to happen. Look, like any good act of violence it'll happen > > if it happens. Most likely it won't, which means you'll be carrying > > all that riot gear for no good reason. And if it *does* happen, > > it'll be over before you get a chance to use it. So relax and enjoy > > the sideshow. > > So I shouldn't bring along my new H&K MP5K SMG, just in case?
Overkill. Only the bartender is allowed to have heavy weaponry.
> Mal, please go back and read what you've written. Then bang your head > against a safe, solid surface 10 times for jinxing us.
Leave your bourgeois superstitions at the door. You're rolling with the Soviets.
From: Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
To: A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen), Col. Mal Fnord, VVS (23@globalfrequency.fen)
Subject: Re: Listening to the birds...
Date: Mon July 15th 2013
It's multiple-reply time again...
A.C., #1:
> > > It'll probably overshadow some of my own announcements, if I can get > > > what I'm planning to WORK. > > > > Whatever it is, I'm sure you can manage eventually. You always do. > >Thanks for the vote of confidence. > > > Is it something I (or Leda) could help you with? > >Leda could confirm my results for one of them, if I get them, but >that's about it. Thanks.
Let her know when/if you're ready.
> > > > Waitaminute... "Thunderhawks"? > > > > > > Something Lebia came up with that I'm thinking about offering to > > > Section 2. She heard about the Virgil Samms whilst we were visiting and > > > wanted to match it. They're specially waved Honda Firebirds with a > > > coilgun side-mounted. She managed to get a couple up to 0.185c, but > > > generally they come out 0.17c. > > > I'm thinking three types: Civilian (0.17c), Courier (0.18c, easy enough > > > to do), and Patrol (0.185c). Probably mix and match the coilguns on > > > them as well. > > > > Ask Commissioner Russell directly - he knows what he needs better than I > > do. (Oh, yeah - Towne's hired a Commissionner for the Space Patrol. > > Trekkie combat veteran, name of Kirk Russell. Yes, *that* Kirk Russell. > > I thought he was dead, too.) > >*Piku-piku* >...Damn, who's his tailor? Last I heard he took some serious shrapnel >last time out and was looking at needing some serious work done if he >survived. Although I did hear about an experiment with TOO MUCH >quick-heal about then...
That *would* explain the boyish good looks, and the snake tattoo. I wonder if he actually did get a biomod...
> > And I'm not sure I'd arm the civilian version... but I'm relatively safe > > back here in cislunar space, not up on the front lines like you. You're > > the person on the spot; you know best. > >Yeah well, it's better safe than sorry out here in the Belt. Raids are >picking up as well, so every little helps you know?
Shit. Nobody tells me anything any more. If you all need a place to relax for a week or two away from the front, I can find you a suite in my hotel.
<snip >
> > > Are you still interested in some Clay Pigeons? I can put a rush order > > > together. That way if someone tries that again you can have them webbed > > > to a wall or something. > > > > I'm not sure. Turning the lights out worked well enough to stop the > > fight (not too many flesh-and-blood people can fight well in the dark), > > but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a backup, just in case. > >I still like the image I had when Kasumi suggested we offer them for >sale. It was just after you kicked the SOS-dan out, so I pictured them >stuck to a wall with you laughing manically to the side.
A.C, you've obviously forgotten what it means to be male. I've seen enough OGJ doujinshi to know that, if Suzumiya, Asahina, and Nagato were stuck to a wall, their captor wouldn't be laughing manically...
Although, once I get past *that* mental image, I can see the humor in your idea.
<snip >
> > > > > Unfortunately true, but still. Too bad we're > > > > > so busy, or I'd offer some upgrades to match Kasumi and Lebia > > > > > (Greenpeace is too biological, and I doubt they want to match Andy). > > > > > > > > Thanks, but I'm not sure your upgrades would mesh with the upgrades > > > > Skuld gave Sora and Yayoi. (Including more Honey than I would have > > > > thought wise... or possible. They're never going to forget anything > > > > again unless they want to. Mal, you might want to keep that in mind...) > > > > > > Given that I haven't forgotten anything since the Accident, and can't > > > forget, I think I'm a tad envious. > > > > Some people would kill to have your problem. Then they'd wish they were > > dead, because of the perfect recall. I don't want that trap, and you > > have my sympathies. > >You're being nicer than normal to me throughout this email. One could >think you have an ulterior motive. But thanks anyway.
You should know me by now, A.C. - I *always* have an ulterior motive. Since it involves the database, I'll tell you what it is at Serenity-Con.
>Sometimes... Sometimes, it can be a joy like no other to have the sort >of recall I have. Others... Well, let's just say I don't particularly >like horror films any more.
I never much cared for horror films, myself. Fictional monsters pale beside the Turnerites and their ilk.
>Most of the time, its damn annoying. Especially with my reaction times >and enhanced senses. > > > > Anyway, I was thinking updating the bio-mimetics, adding a self-repair > > > system, and maybe fixing their eyesight in-between general servicing > > > and whatever they wanted doing. Not sure what else Skuld would have > > > offered that wouldn't need extensive re-work and parts. > > > > Yayoi says she likes herself the way she is, glasses and all. I'm not > > sure about Sora and Kohran; make the offer and see how they react. > >I was just offering to fix their eyesight so they wouldn't NEED >glasses. I'm not suggesting they get RID of them. I must admit I'm >curious to see how they'd look without them. They look lovely with >them, I'm certain they'd look lovely without them.
I honestly can't picture any of my angels without their glasses. (Which may be important - I'm sure it's no coincidence that they all wear glasses, and those other bodies I couldn't get to wake up don't.)
> > (And I thought we installed a self-repair system in each of the angels > > when we built them. Unless you're talking about self-healing skin...) > >THIS one will heal skin at about half the rate a normal human would, >yes. They'll need the bio-mimetics upgrade for that though. It'll also >pretty much eliminate the need for mechanical or electrical >maintenance. The girls would only need to do a yoga routine once a week >to keep themselves in shape (so to speak), and a twice yearly check up.
Even Yayoi might go for that. As I said, make the offer to them.
> > > > Yes, the upgrades are included in the module. You sure you don't want a > > > > copy? > > > > > > I'll be a good girl, and wait for my copy. > > > > You won't have to wait for too long - your copy is already burned to a > > set of ultra-violet-ray discs. So is Mal's. (What's giving me conniptions > > is trying to figure out what the Professor could use right away...) > >How much theoretical stuff is on there? Throw him some medical tech and >some manufacturing tech and some promising theory and he'll probably be >happy for a while.
There's *lots* of theoretical stuff there. Thanks.
A.C., #2:
> > Honestly, this stuff's a gold mine - if we apply it properly, it could > > be as big a social revolution as handwavium was. So I want it backed up > > in multiple locations. > > > > (If we apply it improperly, it could be as big a social disruption as > > handwavium was. I'm a bit nervous about that.) > >So. Same old, same old eh?
Yep. But I'd rather be known as "The first man to build a space hotel", not "the man who single-handedly destroyed the _____ industry". And with what's in the database, there's more than one way to fill in that blank.
> > > Radiation shielding's not a big thing, all I need is a couple cubic > > > meters of rock as a vault, and if there's one thing we've got a lot of, > > > it's rock. > > > > Oh, yeah - planetary surfaces. I remember living on one of those, years > > ago... > >Fred's willing to rent out a nice beach house down in Oz if you want.
I might take him up on that in a year or two. I'm too busy right now.
<snip >
> > Seriously, I'll probably just bring a couple of pompom grenades that > > Katz gave me. What's a brawl without cheerleaders, after all? > >A brawl *with* cheerleaders is usually called sport.
Oz-Rules Football, anyone?
> > > I see. I'd still recommend Azkaban over an outsystem backup, > > > because that chunk of ice will survive the Sun going nova, plus it > > > keeps the module away from randoms who might stumble across it. > > > However, if you're adamant on doing this then I probably can't > > > dissuade you, so what the hell. > > > > Honestly, this stuff's a gold mine - if we apply it properly, it > > could be as big a social revolution as handwavium was. So I want it > > backed up in multiple locations. > >Well, that could be exciting, I suppose. > > > (If we apply it improperly, it could be as big a social disruption as > > handwavium was. I'm a bit nervous about that.) > >Pfft, disruptions always happen. If it's not this, it'll be Greenland >sliding into the Atlantic next week or some other damn thing. Buy the >ticket, take the ride.
I hear what you're saying. I just don't want to throw *too* many people out of work at once - that's bad for the tourism business, and I do own a hotel.
> > (And if the Boskonians turn it into weaponry... yuck. I'm glad you're > > taking my little girl out of the line of fire for a few months.) > >I personally am not worried about weaponry, because frankly if Boskone >was better at it than we are, they'd have already won. Let the >honorless weaselfuckers come ahead, we'll beat the shit out of them >every time.
We should put that on a T-shirt and sell them at Serenity-Con. It'd be a morale booster for the troops.
> > > Radiation shielding's not a big thing, all I need is a couple cubic > > > meters of rock as a vault, and if there's one thing we've got a > > > lot of, it's rock. > > > > Oh, yeah - planetary surfaces. I remember living on one of those, > > years ago... > >Not even that, just one chunk of grade-A interplanetary rock about a >meter across provides as much radiation shielding as fifty miles of >atmosphere. Haven't you ever been to Alpha? They've got the entire city >done up like that; s' brilliant use of available resources. Okay, so >you don't get the vistas you get with the Dome, but still.
I was there once - it's too claustrophobic for my tastes. Although if you ever get invited to "Manny O'Kelly's Bar and Grill" on D Level, accept; they've got a damn good chef.
> > > > And I'm not? (Then again, my "angels" look human.) > > > > > > Tell you what. If Sora ever invites you to come vist Hangar One, > > > take her up on the offer and then get back to me on that one. > > > > I'll be sure to bring a camera that your security folks can > > confiscate... and another, hidden, camera. We'll see how good your > > secops are. > >*snrk* You can take as many pictures of the Hole as you want. Take the >pictures, sell 'em to the Illuminator, hell put up a Myspace page with >them - nobody will ever fucking *believe* you no matter how much >photographic evidence you have. "L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace" >isn't just a neat thing to say in French, we've adopted it as EXFOR >OPSEC protocol and raised it to a fucking *art form*. > >Of course, audacity only goes so far; if you were to try and *start* >something, well... GLaDOS is always looking for new lab rats. Hope you >like cake.
The cake is a lie, right?
> > > I gotta admit, what's *really* funny is watching the two of you > > > freak out about this when the odds are better than even nothing's > > > going to happen. Look, like any good act of violence it'll happen > > > if it happens. Most likely it won't, which means you'll be carrying > > > all that riot gear for no good reason. And if it *does* happen, > > > it'll be over before you get a chance to use it. So relax and enjoy > > > the sideshow. > > > > So I shouldn't bring along my new H&K MP5K SMG, just in case? > >Overkill. Only the bartender is allowed to have heavy weaponry.
<pout > Okay, okay - just the pompom grenades, then.
> > Mal, please go back and read what you've written. Then bang your head > > against a safe, solid surface 10 times for jinxing us. > >Leave your bourgeois superstitions at the door. You're rolling with the >Soviets.
"In Soviet Russia, trouble goes looking for you."
From: A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen)
To: Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib), Col. Mal Fnord, VVS (23@globalfrequency.fen)
Subject: Re: Listening to the birds...
Date: Mon July 15th 2013
> > > Ask Commissioner Russell directly - he knows what he needs better than I > > > do. (Oh, yeah - Towne's hired a Commissionner for the Space Patrol. > > > Trekkie combat veteran, name of Kirk Russell. Yes, *that* Kirk Russell. > > > I thought he was dead, too.) > > > > *Piku-piku* > > ...Damn, who's his tailor? Last I heard he took some serious shrapnel > > last time out and was looking at needing some serious work done if he > > survived. Although I did hear about an experiment with TOO MUCH > > quick-heal about then... > > That *would* explain the boyish good looks, and the snake tattoo. I > wonder if he actually did get a biomod...
Depends if it worked or not. Either way, I haven't heard anything about it. And I'm part of the Quick-Heal consortium.
> > > And I'm not sure I'd arm the civilian version... but I'm relatively safe > > > back here in cislunar space, not up on the front lines like you. You're > > > the person on the spot; you know best. > > > > Yeah well, it's better safe than sorry out here in the Belt. Raids are > > picking up as well, so every little helps you know? > > Shit. Nobody tells me anything any more. If you all need a place to > relax for a week or two away from the front, I can find you a suite in > my hotel.
Got to finish the security upgrades. Eddie's not quite got his Rail Cannon working yet, but he DID get the Spatial Missiles running. THOSE will stop most things.
> > I still like the image I had when Kasumi suggested we offer them for > > sale. It was just after you kicked the SOS-dan out, so I pictured them > > stuck to a wall with you laughing manically to the side. > > A.C, you've obviously forgotten what it means to be male. I've seen > enough OGJ doujinshi to know that, if Suzumiya, Asahina, and Nagato were > stuck to a wall, their captor wouldn't be laughing manically... > > Although, once I get past *that* mental image, I can see the humor in > your idea.
Naughty Noah. I'm more worried about doujinshi about ME thanks. For all the clones in the army, some of them are crazy (Greenpeace particularly likes the one where I apparently provide practical lessons in seduction to your girls.)
> > You're being nicer than normal to me throughout this email. One could > > think you have an ulterior motive. But thanks anyway. > > You should know me by now, A.C. - I *always* have an ulterior motive. > Since it involves the database, I'll tell you what it is at Serenity-Con.
OK, fine.
> > I was just offering to fix their eyesight so they wouldn't NEED > > glasses. I'm not suggesting they get RID of them. I must admit I'm > > curious to see how they'd look without them. They look lovely with > > them, I'm certain they'd look lovely without them. > > I honestly can't picture any of my angels without their glasses. (Which > may be important - I'm sure it's no coincidence that they all wear > glasses, and those other bodies I couldn't get to wake up don't.)
I've always found visualisation of the concept to be the most important part of 'waving something. So yes, it's probably no coincidence. Again, I'd come help if I had the time.
> > > (And I thought we installed a self-repair system in each of the angels > > > when we built them. Unless you're talking about self-healing skin...) > > > > THIS one will heal skin at about half the rate a normal human would, > > yes. They'll need the bio-mimetics upgrade for that though. It'll also > > pretty much eliminate the need for mechanical or electrical > > maintenance. The girls would only need to do a yoga routine once a week > > to keep themselves in shape (so to speak), and a twice yearly check up. > > Even Yayoi might go for that. As I said, make the offer to them.
I'll do that. Does Sora still have access to her Stellvia account or do I have to ask Mal for her new address?
<snip >
Noah to Mal:
> > > (And if the Boskonians turn it into weaponry... yuck. I'm glad you're > > > taking my little girl out of the line of fire for a few months.) > > > > I personally am not worried about weaponry, because frankly if Boskone > > was better at it than we are, they'd have already won. Let the > > honorless weaselfuckers come ahead, we'll beat the shit out of them > > every time. > > We should put that on a T-shirt and sell them at Serenity-Con. It'd be a > morale booster for the troops.
It's been YEARS since I last wore a T-shirt. With my biomod, I'm either asked if I'm in a wet T-shirt contest or I spend my time avoiding spilt drinks. <sarcasm > You wouldn't BELIEVE how clumsy some people would get. </sarcasm >
And don't get me started on a nice loose pair of cargos...
<snip >
> > > > I gotta admit, what's *really* funny is watching the two of you > > > > freak out about this when the odds are better than even nothing's > > > > going to happen. Look, like any good act of violence it'll happen > > > > if it happens. Most likely it won't, which means you'll be carrying > > > > all that riot gear for no good reason. And if it *does* happen, > > > > it'll be over before you get a chance to use it. So relax and enjoy > > > > the sideshow. > > > > > > So I shouldn't bring along my new H&K MP5K SMG, just in case? > > > > Overkill. Only the bartender is allowed to have heavy weaponry.
Unless you have a Double 0 licence.
> <pout > Okay, okay - just the pompom grenades, then.
An interesting thing about Mellow grenades and drunk people, it tends to have the victims buy you drinks.
> > > Mal, please go back and read what you've written. Then bang your head > > > against a safe, solid surface 10 times for jinxing us. > > > > Leave your bourgeois superstitions at the door. You're rolling with the > > Soviets. > > "In Soviet Russia, trouble goes looking for you."
So I should have a team of Tachikomas ready as backup?
From: Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
To: A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen), Col. Mal Fnord, VVS (23@globalfrequency.fen)
Subject: Re: Listening to the birds...
Date: Mon July 15th 2013
<snip >
>Naughty Noah. I'm more worried about doujinshi about ME thanks. For >all the clones in the army, some of them are crazy (Greenpeace >particularly likes the one where I apparently provide practical lessons >in seduction to your girls.)
I never saw *that* one... The Greenpeace/Yayoi ones, however, get scanned and delivered to Yayoi like clockwork, and she cc's them to me. Are you getting those? (Knowing Greenpeace, I assume she shares her doujinshi with you.)
And do you think we should print some off for Mal?
<snip >
> > Even Yayoi might go for that. As I said, make the offer to them. > >I'll do that. Does Sora still have access to her Stellvia account or do >I have to ask Mal for her new address?
Sora's still got her Stellvia account.
<snip >
> > > I personally am not worried about weaponry, because frankly if Boskone > > > was better at it than we are, they'd have already won. Let the > > > honorless weaselfuckers come ahead, we'll beat the shit out of them > > > every time. > > > > We should put that on a T-shirt and sell them at Serenity-Con. It'd be a > > morale booster for the troops. > >It's been YEARS since I last wore a T-shirt. With my biomod, I'm either >asked if I'm in a wet T-shirt contest or I spend my time avoiding spilt >drinks. <sarcasm > You wouldn't BELIEVE how clumsy some people would >get. </sarcasm >
Note to self - one tight sweater with the slogan, for A.C.
From: A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen)
To: Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib), Col. Mal Fnord, VVS (23@globalfrequency.fen)
Subject: Re: Listening to the birds...
Date: Mon July 15th 2013
> > Naughty Noah. I'm more worried about doujinshi about ME thanks. For > > all the clones in the army, some of them are crazy (Greenpeace > > particularly likes the one where I apparently provide practical lessons > > in seduction to your girls.) > > I never saw *that* one... The Greenpeace/Yayoi ones, however, get > scanned and delivered to Yayoi like clockwork, and she cc's them to me. > Are you getting those? (Knowing Greenpeace, I assume she shares her > doujinshi with you.)
Yes, she does. For some reason I get the impression she'd hinting at something. I can't imagine why.
Anyway, because the Squid drones need shonnen ai to work Leonard put together an agent to surf the Wavenet. And is typical of him, it has a degree of overkill where he got distracted/inspired. We now have a list for every type of doujinshi under the Sun (and some that should never have seen the light of the deepest pits of Hell), and at least some of the locations where they can be found.
(Did you know there were Trigon/Hermes doujinshi? I didn't.)
> And do you think we should print some off for Mal?
I'm sure Mal's a big boy, and can get them himself. Only Mal? Be careful when you look. You might run into one involving a three-way yaoi tryst between you, Noah, and the Professor. (You think I'm joking? I wish I was. *Shudder*)
> > > Even Yayoi might go for that. As I said, make the offer to them. > > > > I'll do that. Does Sora still have access to her Stellvia account or do > > I have to ask Mal for her new address? > > Sora's still got her Stellvia account.
Righty-Oh. Sent, but I've told them it'll take a week all told (mainly to do all the fiddly bits). I've also told them the offer is always open, so they can both think on it and take their time. So you don't have to worry about Sora disappearing on you for a week in the near future Mal.
> > > > I personally am not worried about weaponry, because frankly if Boskone > > > > was better at it than we are, they'd have already won. Let the > > > > honorless weaselfuckers come ahead, we'll beat the shit out of them > > > > every time. > > > > > > We should put that on a T-shirt and sell them at Serenity-Con. It'd be a > > > morale booster for the troops. > > > > It's been YEARS since I last wore a T-shirt. With my biomod, I'm either > > asked if I'm in a wet T-shirt contest or I spend my time avoiding spilt > > drinks. <sarcasm > You wouldn't BELIEVE how clumsy some people would > > get. </sarcasm > > > Note to self - one tight sweater with the slogan, for A.C.
I'm not pulling the sexy teacher routine Noah, so forget it.
From: Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib)
To: A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen), Col. Mal Fnord, VVS (23@globalfrequency.fen)
Subject: Re: Listening to the birds...
Date: Mon July 15th 2013
> > > Naughty Noah. I'm more worried about doujinshi about ME thanks. For > > > all the clones in the army, some of them are crazy (Greenpeace > > > particularly likes the one where I apparently provide practical lessons > > > in seduction to your girls.) > > > > I never saw *that* one... The Greenpeace/Yayoi ones, however, get > > scanned and delivered to Yayoi like clockwork, and she cc's them to me. > > Are you getting those? (Knowing Greenpeace, I assume she shares her > > doujinshi with you.) > >Yes, she does. For some reason I get the impression she'd hinting at >something. I can't imagine why.
Neither can I. By the way, Yayoi wants to know whether Greenpeace is coming to Mal's party.
>Anyway, because the Squid drones need shonnen ai to work Leonard put >together an agent to surf the Wavenet. And is typical of him, it has a >degree of overkill where he got distracted/inspired. We now have a list >for every type of doujinshi under the Sun (and some that should never >have seen the light of the deepest pits of Hell), and at least some of >the locations where they can be found. > >(Did you know there were Trigon/Hermes doujinshi? I didn't.)
I've seen at two volumes of the "Wanna Interface?" series with that pairing. Did you know there's at least one volume of the same series with an Eddie/Fate/Galvius three-way? (Or should that be five-way?) The logistics of that story were convoluted, to say the least.
(I visited Candy Apple Red's once, when I had to decide whether to allow publicized runs there from Stellvia. I'm not the type to patronize their services. They have a library. You do the math.)
> > And do you think we should print some off for Mal? > >I'm sure Mal's a big boy, and can get them himself. Only Mal? Be >careful when you look. You might run into one involving a three-way >yaoi tryst between you, Noah, and the Professor. (You think I'm joking? >I wish I was. *Shudder*)
Oh, yuck... With my build, I assume that was a horror doujin. Then again, considering how whoever-it-is draws me in the Great Justice doujinshi series "You Know What You Doing", maybe they just don't know what I really look like.
(Yes, I have all of those issues. Mikuru and I laughed so hard over issue #23, and not just because 65% of what they said we did is physically impossible even in zero-g... Ah, those were the days.)
<snip >
> > > > > I personally am not worried about weaponry, because frankly if Boskone > > > > > was better at it than we are, they'd have already won. Let the > > > > > honorless weaselfuckers come ahead, we'll beat the shit out of them > > > > > every time. > > > > > > > > We should put that on a T-shirt and sell them at Serenity-Con. It'd be a > > > > morale booster for the troops. > > > > > > It's been YEARS since I last wore a T-shirt. With my biomod, I'm either > > > asked if I'm in a wet T-shirt contest or I spend my time avoiding spilt > > > drinks. You wouldn't BELIEVE how clumsy some people would > > > get. > > > > Note to self - one tight sweater with the slogan, for A.C. > >I'm not pulling the sexy teacher routine Noah, so forget it.
Drat. Better not look at the latest issue of the "Miracles of Handwavium" doujinshi series, then...
(By the way, how did this devolve into a "Rule 34" discussion so quickly?)
From: A.C. Peters (rock_doc@prometheus_forge.fen)
To: Noah Scott (bigcheese@stellvia.lib), Col. Mal Fnord, VVS (23@globalfrequency.fen)
Subject: Re: Listening to the birds...
Date: Mon July 15th 2013
> > > > Naughty Noah. I'm more worried about doujinshi about ME thanks. For > > > > all the clones in the army, some of them are crazy (Greenpeace > > > > particularly likes the one where I apparently provide practical lessons > > > > in seduction to your girls.) > > > > > > I never saw *that* one... The Greenpeace/Yayoi ones, however, get > > > scanned and delivered to Yayoi like clockwork, and she cc's them to me. > > > Are you getting those? (Knowing Greenpeace, I assume she shares her > > > doujinshi with you.) > > > > Yes, she does. For some reason I get the impression she'd hinting at > > something. I can't imagine why. > > Neither can I. By the way, Yayoi wants to know whether Greenpeace is > coming to Mal's party.
Well, I was going to bring Andy and a bottle of his best whiskey for Mal to take with him. But Greenpeace has him wrapped around her fingers, so that's a yes.
> > Anyway, because the Squid drones need shonnen ai to work Leonard put > > together an agent to surf the Wavenet. And is typical of him, it has a > > degree of overkill where he got distracted/inspired. We now have a list > > for every type of doujinshi under the Sun (and some that should never > > have seen the light of the deepest pits of Hell), and at least some of > > the locations where they can be found. > > > > (Did you know there were Trigon/Hermes doujinshi? I didn't.) > > I've seen at two volumes of the "Wanna Interface?" series with that > pairing. Did you know there's at least one volume of the same series > with an Eddie/Fate/Galvius three-way? (Or should that be five-way?) The > logistics of that story were convoluted, to say the least.
Especially because Eddie doesn't have an anthropomorphic icon design. But one with him already exists? Geeze, he's only been Awake for three months.
> (I visited Candy Apple Red's once, when I had to decide whether to allow > publicized runs there from Stellvia. I'm not the type to patronize their > services. They have a library. You do the math.)
I'll have to ask if they liked that copy of the Zero-G Karma Sutra I got for them. (It was Kasumi's idea. And no, it's not what you think. Absinthe had a slight skin problem, and they called me because of Greenpeace. Easy enough to sort out in the end.)
> > > And do you think we should print some off for Mal? > > > > I'm sure Mal's a big boy, and can get them himself. Only Mal? Be > > careful when you look. You might run into one involving a three-way > > yaoi tryst between you, Noah, and the Professor. (You think I'm joking? > > I wish I was. *Shudder*) > > Oh, yuck... With my build, I assume that was a horror doujin. Then > again, considering how whoever-it-is draws me in the Great Justice > doujinshi series "You Know What You Doing", maybe they just don't know > what I really look like.
Not really. But still... *Shudder* Damn my memory.
> (Yes, I have all of those issues. Mikuru and I laughed so hard over > issue #23, and not just because 65% of what they said we did is > physically impossible even in zero-g... Ah, those were the days.)
Better than 'Moonlit Angels' #17. The only reason that series is still ongoing is because the Professor knocked himself out laughing. Me, well lets just say I've got some new whip tricks.
> > > > Note to self - one tight sweater with the slogan, for A.C. > > > > > > I'm not pulling the sexy teacher routine Noah, so forget it. > > > > Drat. Better not look at the latest issue of the "Miracles of > > Handwavium" doujinshi series, then...
- looks up*
Oh not again. I always get a surge in Mars-fen requests after one of these types.
> (By the way, how did this devolve into a "Rule 34" discussion so > quickly?)
O'Toole's Corollary of Finagle's Law: The perversity of the Universe tends towards a maximum.
Anyway, see you on Friday.