MotFfOS page 018

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The Mystery of the Fen from Outer Space

(written and drawn by Brian Webb)<br\> Updated every Thursday<br\> <br\>

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Vision Impaired Transcript

<br\> {A group of men are exiting a building. A grenade flies through the air, covering the men in foam.}<br\> Hamilton: Ok, this is what we have so far. There have been attacks all over the eastern seaboard. Mostly concentrating around here and New York.<br\> {The foam evaporates, and the men's clothing disolves.}<br\> Hamilton: The victims are members of several organized crime groups, along with a number of street gangs known to work with these groups from time to time.<br\> {Two armed men in motorcycle helmets and leathers open fire.}<br\> {Something catches their attention at the end of the alley.}<br\> Hamilton: Aside from the rise in gang violence, our biggest worries are the fact the weapons being used are so heavy and that the attackers seem to be taking no losses.<br\> {One of the armed men reaches into his pocket and prepares to throw something.}<br\> <br\>

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