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The Mystery of the Fen from Outer Space

(written and drawn by Brian Webb)<br\> Updated every Thursday<br\> <br\>

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Vision Impaired Transcript

<br\> Carol: That's what we figured.<br\> Carol: I'll let you know after we've had a chance to look at the casings, but from the look of things there weren't many attackers.<br\> Hamilton: Did you find anything else?<br\> Carol: Not much. But the store across the street, the owner's a little paranoid.<br\> Hamilton: Cameras?<br\> Carol: Uh-huh.<br\> Hamilton: You're a beautiful woman you know.<br\> Carol: Hah. PD's talking to him now.<br\> Hamilton: Come on, let's go see if we got lucky.<br\> <br\>

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