(Written by Ace Dreamer; posted 08 September 2012)
Who do laws benefit? The rich and powerful. They write the laws. Get them changed when they're inconvenient. Or, if they break them, they can muscle or pay their way free.
The rest of us. We have to live with their leavings. The scraps of meat they cast aside. Is there any surprise we get angry? Break rules, do what we need to survive?
Going into space. Any new frontier. People talk of a "fresh start". Leaving the bad bits, the dross, of the place they came from, behind.
They never do. It's ground into them. Dirt that wont wash off.
You need to be brave, to break free. Risk being unpopular. Risk breaking the law.
You need to be Boskone.
Open Source
"This has been a party political broadcast on behalf of the Boskone Party."
You may use any of the above in your own stories. The logic is that any organisation will tend to have some core beliefs, a 'mission statement'. If the Boskone exist as anything other than a media construct, or a convenient way of saying 'bad guys in Fenspace' then they will have at least a sketch of an ideology.
Very few people like to think of themselves as being 'evil'; the role of being a 'misunderstood revolutionary' fits much better on most people's shoulders.