Saturn 0

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Spacecraft Registry
SC Saturn 0
Spacecraft Characteristics
Base Hull2002 Saturn SL1
Drive TypeReactionless thrusters
Drive RatingMax velocity 0.1c
OwnerBob Schroeck
Registry NumberGC-002
PurposePersonal transport
Primary CrewBob Schroeck
Peggy Schroeck
Operational StatusActive
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(Created by Bob Schroeck)

Known Vehicle Quirks

  • All the Saturns in the GC fleet emit a jet of flame worthy of their namesake rocket predecessor from their rear when in flight. This flame obeys the Law of Slapstick; at worst it will cover with soot anything that comes in contact with it.
  • Radio/CD player self-selects with eerie appropriateness and cannot be turned off, although the volume can be adjusted.