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===Vision Impaired Transcript===
===Vision Impaired Transcript===
'''Li:''' You seem to be a fairly informal organization.<br\>
'''Dark Senshi:''' This is going to be pointless.<br\>
'''F:''' I guess.  It depends on who you're working with.  Some people are more interested in salutes than others.<br\>
'''Snow Globe AI:''' What tipped you off?<br\>
'''Auger:''' And it's probably for the best Arthur isn't.<br\>
'''Leza:''' So glad you all could make it.<br\>
'''Dark Senshi:''' Yeah, yeah.  What did you want?<br\>
'''Li:''' Why?<br\>
'''Leza:''' If your people were successful in New York...<br\>
'''Auger:''' The lagomorph doesn't take well to authority.<br\>
'''Dark Senshi:''' They were.<br\>
'''Car:''' Grrr!<br\>
'''Leza:''' Then we can finish this tonight.<br\>
'''Li:''' Of course not.<br\>
'''Leza:''' The meeting starts at 8.  Be ready.<br\>
'''F:''' Anyway, on to our next interview.<br\>

Revision as of 04:18, 18 May 2012

(written and drawn by Brian Webb)<br\> Updated every Friday<br\> <br\>


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Vision Impaired Transcript

<br\> Dark Senshi: This is going to be pointless.<br\> Snow Globe AI: What tipped you off?<br\> Leza: So glad you all could make it.<br\> Dark Senshi: Yeah, yeah. What did you want?<br\> Leza: If your people were successful in New York...<br\> Dark Senshi: They were.<br\> Leza: Then we can finish this tonight.<br\> Leza: The meeting starts at 8. Be ready.<br\> <br\>

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