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The Mystery of the Fen from Outer Space

(written and drawn by Brian Webb)<br\> Updated every Thursday<br\> <br\>

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Comic fen frm out space page049.jpg

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Vision Impaired Transcript

<br\> Auger: It can't have been that much then. She'll be okay in a few hours.<br\> Li: Should we take her to a hospital?<br\> Grey: Ooooh, hello nurse!<br\> Auger: It probably won't hurt, but I don't think they'll be able to do much.<br\> Auger: C'mon Grey. Time for walkies.<br\> Grey: The buildings are all twisty.<br\> Grey: Do I have to... Oh!<br\> Auger: Grey!<br\> Auger and Li glance at each other.<br\> Grey: ...And I shall hug it and pet it and call it George.<br\> Auger: Um, Grey, I don't think...<br\> Grey: Hsssss!<br\> Grey hisses and bares her teeth at Auger.<br\> Auger: Right, moving on to the car.<br\> Li: Great, my expert is stoned, and we've learned two things, one of which we knew before. I hope Alex is having better luck.<br\> <br\>

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