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The organizations that mainline Fenspace calls "Factions" don't exist in this universe. Famous groups in this alternate are much smaller...

Catgirl Industries

Catgirl Industries is a research institute specializing in drones, sleeves, and upload/infomorph-technology.

It was started by a group of engineers and scientists who wanted to push the frontier of infomorph and uplink technology. Despite the name, CI is not purely catgirls... but many members switched to this biosculpt when the first successful (and stable) adaptations of human upload/download technology became available.

Project: CONDOR

The United States Department of Defense operates a few a Joint Service teams that follow-up "gatecrasher" teams aligned with the US military.

The team goals are described by the following "mantra:"

Confirm whether or not the gatecrasher team's report is an accurate representation of what lies at the designated coordinates.
Make a more detailed exploration of the area and find out as much as possible about it. Locate exploitable resources.
If there are potentially-friendly natives, get to know them.
If there are potentially-hostile natives, find out how much of a threat they are.
Locate the target in relation to Earth for potential transit by ship.
Ensure that the USA's claim to any find is properly documented and acknowledged, avoiding any chance of claimjumpers as possible.

The entire mission statement provided the backronym 'Project: CONDOR' that was assigned to the exploration teams. It rather amused the fen who coined the term 'Vultures' to refer to corporate and government backed gatecrasher followup teams in general.

The Knight Sabers

Little is known about this group, other than that they style themselves after the animated group of the same name, that they appear to be women, and that they most definitely are not baseline humans.

Exactly who they are beneath the armour isn't known. It isn't even known whether they are heavily augmented humans or androids. Observed group tactics depend heavily on the Total Information Tactical Awareness Networks theory.

The Order of St. Grimace

A well-known and successful team of gatecrashers led by Mal Fnord. Best-known for their discoveries of Strangelove and Tellus Secundus, and also for successfully bringing everybody back alive no matter how weird the job. When on downtime, the Order amuses themselves by committing acts of criminal mischief and economic/memetic terrorism against various cislunar governments and corporate authorities they don't particularly like. The Order prides itself on a policy of sans armes ni haine ni violence in their antics, and to date hasn't killed nor seriously injured their targets or bystanders.

As of July 2039, the Order is waiting on a go-order on a penetration mission to Secundus, and is contemplating the very interesting paydata new recruit Sora Anderson brought with her when she left Stella Via...

See Also