Legend of Galactic Girls Acknowledgments
The Drunkard's Walk and Girls Girls Girls fanfic cycles were created by Robert M. Schroeck, and are used with permission.
The Fenspace shared-world setting was created by Sean 'Mr. Fnord' Breen. "Fenspace" is a jointly-held trademark of the Fenspace writers.
"Douglas Q. Sangnoir," "Looney Toons", "The Loon" and any representations thereof are copyright by and trademarks of Robert M. Schroeck, and are used with permission.
"Helene 'Wetter Hexe' Diedmeier" and any representations thereof are copyright by and trademarks of Helen Imre.
"Maggie 'Shadowwalker' Viel" and any representations thereof are copyright by and a trademark of Peggy Schroeck.
"The Warriors", "Warriors' World", "Warriors International" and "Warriors Alpha" are all jointly-held trademarks of The Warriors Group, and are used with permission of Robert M. Schroeck.
"Legion" and any representations thereof are copyright by and a trademark of Edward Becerra.
"Noah Scott", "Leda Swansen", "Naoko Sato", and any representations thereof are copyright by and trademarks of Rob Kelk.
"R. Yoriko Nikaido" is the creation of Rob Kelk, based loosely upon the work of Kozuke Fujishima, Etsuko Kozakura, and Pamela Weidner.
"R. Sora Hasegawa" is the creation of Rob Kelk, based loosely upon the work of Kozuke Fujishima and Ikue Ohtani.
"R. Kohran Li" is the creation of Rob Kelk, based loosely upon the work of Ouji Hiroi, Kozuke Fujishima, and Yuriko Fuchizaki.
"R. Yayoi Fujisawa" is the creation of Rob Kelk, based loosely upon the work of Ryou Azuki and Fumiko Orikasa.
"Stellvia" is the creation of Rob Kelk, inspired by the work of Ryou Azuki.
"Maico Tange" is the creation of Rob Kelk, inspired by the work of Toshimitsu Shimizu and Sakura Tange.
"R. Safety" is the creation of Rob Kelk, based loosely upon the work of Rei Omishi and Rie Iwatsubo.
"Hermes Universal Deliveries" is the creation of 'Griever'.
"A.C. Peters" is the creation of 'Cobalt Greywalker', and is used with permission.
"Fateful Lightning" is the creation of Kevin 'Feinan' Eaches.
"The Floating Island" is the creation of Aaron 'Acyl' Choo Yilun.
"Blackstone", "J.", "Nezumi", and "Chaos" are the creations of Aaron 'Ebony' Johnson, and are used with permission.
"Buckaroo", "World Watch One", and "Jet Car" are the creations of Aaron 'Ebony' Johnson, based loosely upon the work of Earl Mac Rauch and W. D. Richter, and are used with permission.
"The Professor" is the creation of 'Catty Nebulart'.
"Miyu Glear" is the creation of 'Catty Nebulart', based loosely upon the work of Hajime Yatate and Kiyomi Asai.
"Catty Nebulart" is the creation of 'Catty Nebulart', based loosely upon the work of Sukehiro Tomita and Naoko Watanabe.
"Ryoko Asakura" is the creation of 'Catty Nebulart', based loosely upon the work of Nagaru Tanigawa and Natsuko Kuwatani.
"Sol Bianca" is the creation of 'Catty Nebulart', inspired by the work of Mayori Sekijima.
"Katz Schrödinger", "Kobayashi Maru", and "Uncertainty" are the creations of 'Griever', and are used with permission.
"Trigon" is the creation of 'Griever', based loosely upon the work of Marv Wolfman and George Perez.
"Crystal Paris" is a jointly-held trademark of the Fenspace writers.
"Bob Schroeck" is the creation of Robert M. Schroeck, and is used with permission.
"Kat Avins", in this context, is the creation of Robert M. Schroeck.
"Delandra 'Dee' vel'deVarn" and "Sylvath" are the creations of Robert M. Schroeck, inspired by the work of Mercedes Lackey, and are used with permission.
"Lisa Vanette" is based loosely upon the work of Hiroaki Gooda, Hidetoshi Yoshida, and Aya Hisakawa.
"Sana Kurata" is based loosely upon the work of Miho Obana and Shizue Oda.
"Margaret Sandra 'Peggy' Banzai" is based loosely upon the work of Earl Mac Rauch and W. D. Richter.
"Skuld Ravenhair" is based upon the work of Christopher Angel, which was based loosely upon the work of Kozuke Fujishima and Aya Hisakawa.
"Rei Ayanami" is based loosely upon the work of Hideaki Anno and Megumi Hayashibara.
"Luna Lovegood" is based loosely upon the work of J.K. Rowling and Evanna Lynch.
"Chalotte Borrible" is based loosely upon the work of Michael de Larrabeiti.
"Makoto Kino" is based loosely upon the work of Naoko Takeuchi and Emi Shinohara.
"Rin-rin Minakami" is based loosely upon the work of Naoto Tenhiro and Sakurako Kimino.
"Bibi Summers" is based loosely upon the work of Joss Whedon and Sara Michelle Gellar.
"Kaolla Su" is based loosely upon the work of Ken Akamatsu and Reiko Takagi.
"Mirai Ozora" is based loosely upon the work of Hiroyuki Kitazume and Yukana Nogami.
"Nancy Makuhari" is based loosely upon the work of Hideyuki Kurata and Michiko Neya.
Lyrics from All My Loving, by The Beatles, written by Lennon/McCartney, copyright © 1963 Northern Songs.
Lyrics from Space Truckin', by Deep Purple, written by Ritchie Blackmore, Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, Jon Lord and Ian Paice, copyright © 1972 Mauve Music, Inc. (ASCAP).
Lyrics from Motteke! Sailor-fuku (English title Take It! Sailor Uniform), originally written by Aki Hata, translation uncredited, copyright © 2007 Kagami Yoshimizu / Lucky Paradise.
Lyrics from Lightning Does The Work, by Chad Brock, copyright © 1999 Warner Bros. Records.
Use of any trademark in this work is not intended as a challenge to said trademark.
The author acknowledges the invaluable assistance of Robert M. Schroeck in his sharing of background information, without which this story would have been impossible.
The author thanks Robert M. Schroeck, 'Griever', and 'Cobalt Greywalker' for providing scenes that feature their characters for this story.
The author thanks Robert M. Schroeck, Aaron 'Epsilon' Peori, Sean 'Mr. Fnord' Breen, 'Catty Nebulart', 'Griever', and 'Cobalt Greywalker' for pre-reading parts or all of this story. Anything you didn't like about the story is the author's fault, not the pre-readers'.
Finally and most importantly, the author thanks you for having the patience to read this story. It's been far too long in the writing.